Comscore Content Activation - Colocated API
For customers with high volume output requirements (>1,000 requests per second) a colocated caching / API layer is highly recommended. The caching layer contains full data sets of the customer's inventory while the API layer provides access to the data and functionality. In a colocated setup the instance is queried with every impression.
The API returns responses at RTB compliant performance within 10ms (usually between 1-5ms). Using bare metal with 16 cores (E5620) and 96 GB RAM a single tier runs at about 75,000 requests per second. Virtualized environments run at about 20,000 requests per second depending on the provider / setup. Multiple instances can be used to cover the required throughput and provide additional reliability.
Best Practice
The following diagram shows how the colocated caching/API tier is implemented within the partner's infrastructure and how it communicates with Comscore's processing backend.
Comscore sets up, operates, and maintains a caching / API layer on the 3rd party hardware. The 3rd party hardware and network configuration is supposed to follow these requirements. Variations are most likely possible.
Partner will apply load balancing services in case more than one colocated instances is required. The number of nodes and type of load balancing depends on traffic volume and characteristics of partner.
To learn more about this server requirements please refer to the Hardware and Network Requirements below.
Hardware and Network Requirements
- System Requirements
- Amazon Web Services
- Google Cloud Platform Operating System
- Networking Configuration Management Initial Access
- Load Balancers
- Client Connections
- VLANs and Security Groups
- Administrative Ports
- Application Ports
System Requirements
- RAM: Minimum: 32 GiB, recommended: at least 48 GiB for higher volumes. May be slightly less if required.
- Disk: Minimum: 100 GiB, at least 75GiB of which should be unallocated or available as /data (may be the root partition)
- NIC: Minimum: 1 Gb/s
- CPU: Minimum: 4 cores, recommended: 8 cores
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Amazon Web Services
Instance Type
- For low volume we recommend r5.xlarge instances.
- For high volume we recommend r5.2xlarge instances.
- r5d, r4, and r3 versions of these instances are also acceptable.
Disk Space
- r3 or r5d require no additional storage
- r4 or r5 (no local disk) require a 100GB EBS partition attached using any valid device name
- We use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS AMIs, a list of the current AMIs may be found at
- The following customized AMIs may also be used:
r3 instances:
- ap-southeast-1: ami-0ddeaea373e1c04d3
- ap-southeast-2: ami-09f200421b17d60ba
- eu-west-1: ami-0667edf63084992b4
- us-east-1: ami-09a6428d3133a8dad
- us-west-1: ami-029973014e2238acb
r4, r5, and r5d instances:
- ap-southeast-1: ami-0a2db599a6397fcd5
- ap-southeast-2: ami-026f2b227386860ed
- eu-west-1: ami-08beeeade3b8a94a6
- us-east-1: ami-02826d25a445313b7
- us-west-1: ami-0ba5825aa3265b8c3
To get started please provide your AWS account number and Comscore will make the images available.
These AMIs are subject to change . Every time an instance is booted it is highly recommend to check whether it is performing as expected. without notice The latest stock Ubuntu 16.04 LTS AMIs are always acceptable.
Google Cloud Platform
Instance Type
- For low volume we recommend n1-highmem-4 instances
- For high volume we recommend n1-highmem-8 instances
Disk Space
- 100GB minimum must be provided; this may be either the root partition or a persistent disk with at least 75GB.
OS Image
- We use Ubuntu 16.04 LTS images; the GCE Image family is ubuntu-1604-lts
Operating System
Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
Configuration Management
In order to provide the best service possible, comScore needs to be able to have full control over the machine and integrate it into its configuration management and monitoring systems.
This means that root access to the machine is required to install puppet and snmpd for control. If required the partners' community string can be used to monitor the machine via SNMP.
Initial Access
In order to connect to the servers initially, the attached ssh public keys must be added to the ubuntu user's authorized key file (/home/ubuntu/.ssh /authorized_keys); no user accounts should be predefined. They may also be configured for the root user if remote root access is enabled initially (/root/. ssh/authorized_keys)
Attachment for /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
Please verify that the permissions of the folder and file are correct and there is no line wrapping in the authorized keys.
ls -ld /home/ubuntu/.ssh
drwx------ 12 ubuntu group 384 Apr 27 2019 /home/ubuntu/.ssh
ls -l /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
-r-------- 1 ubuntu group 401 Oct 2 2018 authorized_keys
wc -l /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys
Load Balancers
Instances may, but do not need to be, placed behind a load balancer.
Client Connections
1,200 max total number of concurrent connections with keep-alive enabled per caching/API layer.
VLANs and Security Groups
It is strongly recommended to put machines used for this service into separate VLANs (or security groups if using cloud services such as AWS) which have no outbound access to other machines on the partner network.
Administrative Ports
Inbound to the host:
Outbound from the host:
Application Ports
Inbound to the host:
Outbound from the host:
If you are using AWS and only using inbound ACLs, the following script will configure your group using the AWS CLI:
set -u
if [[ $# != 2 ]]
cat <<EOF
USAGE: $0 proximic_instances_security_group comma_separated_list_of_internal_groups
# sg-00ab12cd: contains all colocated API hosts
# sg-99zz88bb,sg-zz00yy11: All hosts which will need to connect to the colocated APIs are in these groups $0 sg-00ab12cd sg-99zz88bb,sg-zz00yy11
exit 1
internal_groups=$(echo $2 | tr ',' ' ')
for ip in
for port in 22 161 1161 4949 9100-9110
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${security_group}" --protocol tcp --port "${port}" -- cidr "${ip}/32"
for port in 161 1161
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${security_group}" --protocol udp --port "${port}" -- cidr "${ip}/32"
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${security_group}" --protocol icmp --port 8 --cidr "${ip} /32"
for group in ${internal_groups}
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id "${security_group}" --protocol tcp --port 9100 -- sourcegroup "${group}"
Please send the output of the following lines:
curl -s -v
curl -s -v
You can download the information in PDF here: